Hello everyone, I am not really in a bloggy mood right now but still cant stop writing down this one.
First of all i want to say , what a great time i had yesterday! It was weird to say the least!
It was around 3 on a friday afternoon telling myself " I am bored! ". Not really bored but being bombarded with all problems at the same time! was frustrated to the core!
I have been moved to a new project recently and not in very good terms with ma team mates till yesterday. You folks will know why at the end of this blog..
Suddenly a colleague of mine says lets go out we have some work. I was shocked in fact mixed reactions. Honestly, I used to think "the guy " is also like the other men are men types.
He said " Pooh we have got some gift from country vacations and have to go and collect it with my wife" . And as he was not married he wanted me to join him. I said a big NO!!! After he pleaded i thought chalo yaar we will go!
He was not that happy with the way i sat on his bike but i enjoyed the ride. We landed in the so called place where we were ought to collect the gift. We were made to sit there which looked like a match making one, with a volunteer explaining about "Country vacations" to a couple and there were around 12 to 13 volunteers.
The overall incident was looking odd but funny. The volunteer cleared his throat and started off " Are you married? " . With that proud grin of making someone fool we told na we are just engaged.
He smiled and started his mission gun of questions. He asks him a question from an application from sort of thingy and then turns towards me and asks the same question "Sir" being replaced with "Madam". And not to forget the accent please... Madam.as if he is hungry and eaten the last part of the word. Bhaskar, the volunteer was in his usual marketing attire, formal wear with a tie. Once he was done with the application form he started asking about or favorites. You folks will not believe , i got to know this colleague of mine more which i would not have even after working with him for around 2 months. He ran out of questions and he started telling about his love story and the difficulties he faces to meet her..poor chap. He was doing all this cause he wanted approval from his manager to go ahead with the presentation , please note all this while he was not giving one. He used to often raise his arm and look at his manager infact three of them, each one at three different levels. One of them comes to the desk like a dude and asks few questions and hints Bhaskar to go ahead with the presentation.
Then he starts off with amount X and this colleague of mine is curious to know the amount which ll be necessary to be a member. After going round the world he comes and at last discloses the amount X as in these reality shows.
They wanted to tell yes to the offer then and there but my collegeue wanted to take his moms premission to go ahead with the payment. For this they did not agree as they had their fundas like some special offer that this etc. So atlast they decided to give the gifts and chase us away.
In the middle of all these this hero of our story went out and sent me a text asking a sorry and there lies his sweetness. I told him that is okie..you know i was just being nice to him.
After all this we took the gift and went to Mc Ds where we had burgers and from there back to office as i was supposed to catch my 9 pm shuttle from my office.
He dropped his bike near the golguppa fella and ordered one plate exclusively for me as he knew i liked it. The way he spoke with the guy showed his down to earth attitude and i just kept looking at him from the corner of my eyes as i hopped in those not so lovely golguppas into my mouth.
There are so many small small gestures which made me realize the characteristics of this guy. He looks very rude and bad to be really honest but my guess was wrong. May be this is why they say looks can be deceptive. He has concern for everybody but never shows it off. He knows how to make others happy. But still he says "i am selfish". He hates being in love or people in love i dunno the reason for him to hate love. He is a cool dude with a happy go luck attitude. He is a typical Punjabi Libra guy with loads of energy and enthusiasm in things he likes to do. He has this strong psychological aptitude . Gentle personality being attracted by competitive people and can expect challenges from him. And not to forget, his sense of humor and yeah how can i forget this, his sense of dressing and style. Never sticks to one look and likes change.
While i was thinking all this on the way back, he struggles and digs into his pockets with great difficulty and lends me the white rumaal ( hand kerchief ) as he knew i had dust allergy. Dint feel like using it though but some corner of my mind i was silently telling myself " Buddy am sorry i misunderstood you" and the noise just faded away with the wind.
As i came back to my desk i see a note signed by him saying " thanks a lot 4 coming"
Good to be friends with someone like him cause he is weird and its good to be one at times.
Sorry??You asked me his name is it? How about calling him Robin Hood? :P